Assessment Parameter


There are 3 core parameters under NASTA assessment. These 3 core parameters are further categorised into 8 parameters on which students are being assessed.
The 3 core parameters are as follows:

  1. Knowing
  2. Applying
  3. Reasoning

Knowing, applying, and reasoning skills are three categories of cognitive skills that are emphasized in education and learning. These skills involve different levels of cognitive processing and reflect various aspects of understanding and using knowledge.
Here's an overview of each skill category:

It is important to note that these skill categories are not mutually exclusive, and they often overlap and interact with each other. In many educational settings, the goal is to develop a balance of all three skills, as they complement each other in the learning process. Effective learning involves not only acquiring knowledge (knowing) and applying it but also developing the ability to reason critically, analyze information, and apply it in diverse contexts.

What are the benefits of assessing and enhancing these sub-parameters?

Enhancing observation, recognition, classification, problem-solving, prediction, precision, interpretation, and critical thinking skills in students can bring numerous benefits across various aspects of their academic, personal, and professional lives.

Observation Skill:

Observation skills refer to the ability to perceive and gather information from one's surroundings by carefully paying attention to details. It involves using your senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, to actively observe and understand the world around you. Observation skills are valuable in various areas of life, including science, art, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication.

Recognition Skill:

Recognition skills refer to the ability to identify or acknowledge something or someone based on previous knowledge or familiarity. It involves recognizing patterns, features, or characteristics that match a known reference or category. Recognition skills can be applied in various domains, including visual perception, memory, language, and expertise in specific fields.

Classification Skill:

Classification skill refers to the ability to categorize or group items, objects, or concepts based on their shared characteristics or properties. It involves recognizing patterns, similarities, and differences among different elements and assigning them to appropriate categories or classes. Classification skills are fundamental in organizing information, understanding relationships, and making sense of the world around us.

Precision Skill:

Precision skill refers to the ability to perform tasks or activities with accuracy, attention to detail, and a high level of exactness. It involves minimizing errors, maintaining consistency, and achieving desired outcomes with precision and meticulousness. Precision is an essential skill in various domains and professions where accuracy and exactitude are critical.

Prediction Skill:

Prediction skill refers to the ability to make educated guesses or forecasts about future events, outcomes, or trends based on available information, patterns, or logical reasoning. It involves using past experiences, observations, and data to anticipate what may happen in the future. Prediction skill is valuable in various domains, including science, business, sports, and everyday decision-making.

Problem-Solving Skill:

Problem-solving refers to the cognitive process of finding effective solutions to complex or challenging issues or situations. It involves identifying problems, analyzing them, generating potential solutions, and implementing the most appropriate course of action. Problem-solving skills are highly valued in various domains, including academics, work settings, and daily life, as they enable individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.

Interpretation Skill:

Interpretation skills refer to the ability to understand and make meaning out of information, data, or messages. It involves analyzing and comprehending the underlying significance, implications, or intended messages conveyed through various forms of communication, such as text, visuals, or spoken language. Interpretation skills are crucial in academic, professional, and personal contexts, enabling individuals to extract valuable insights, draw conclusions, and make informed judgments.

Critical Thinking Skill:

Critical thinking skills refer to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information and arguments in a logical and systematic manner. It involves actively and objectively questioning and examining ideas, evidence, and assumptions to form well-reasoned judgments and make informed decisions. Critical thinking is a valuable skill that enables individuals to think independently, solve problems, and navigate complex situations effectively. Here are some key aspects of critical thinking skills:

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